Discovering the world with different eyes.

From two different parts of the world, with different cultures, languages and perspectives, two very distinct and, at the same time, similar characters crossed each other lives. Outside their home country, away from family and friends, in a completely new environment, they shared unforgettable moments and lessons, building up their journeys throughout a year.

Livia, born in the Canary Islands, Spain, the most athletic and happiest girl ever seen, can just not stay with her bum on a chair for a second, looking for new friends and meeting people everywhere, learning about others, different cultures, feelings and thoughts, enjoying everyday as the last one, a person who really cares about the society. Ana, an adventurous girl right from Brazil, who just gives all her heart for any experience, especially when it comes about travelling and getting to know places; is passionate about reading, studying, writing and finding innovative ways to express ideas.

They are both international students, living and studying currently in Ottawa, Canada. And now after ten months full of experiences, their relationship has strengthened. Besides the different personalities, a similar passion was discovered; acquiring knowledge from people they talk to and places they go for; having the opportunity of learning from new cultures, minds, experiences; realizing what an essential spot travelling took in their lives.

Yaa..this is basically our history, and that’s why we came up with this idea of a blog. We just want to share with people our traveling experience in Ottawa, and in other pretty cool places. We will talk about culture, traditions, restaurants and food, touristic spots, local poeple and much more…

We would like to show you new ideas about the world and society, from a fun and interesting perspective, without the necessity of touching a book.
